
Business Corporation




“Food is one of life’s grate pleasures, and no group of people appreciates meals more than elderly people. Mealtime, throughout history, in all parts of the world, has been a time for social interaction, a time to nourish ourselves, an occasion for celebration, a time to replenish our energy”
Moyra Jones – Gentlecare






Meals are made in house, resembling a variety of cuisines, using most of the time fresh and the best ingredients. Diet is adapted to the needs, condition and preferences of the resident. Meal time is nourishing for the body as well as for the soul.

We encourage conversation, and often, while finishing a cup of tea, we all sing together or laugh over a joke. Fluids intake (hydration) is a vital part of the nutrition as well as of the good health of each individual. We are encouraging liquids intake and offer it hot or cold, in a different forms as: fresh juice, soup, herbal tea, jell-o, pudding, cider, smoothies, lemonade, etc. Food is served one course at a time, allowing enough time to eat it and enjoy it.